
Hungary - March/April 2015

I took a three-week trip to Hungary in the end of March to visit relatives and enjoy the beginning of the Hungarian spring. This was the first time I had the chance to drive around in Hungary all alone and I was hoping to do a lot of birdwatching. I was not very pleasantly surprised by the abundance of terrible roads and signs saying "No trespassing", "Private area", "Area protected by dogs and weapons", etc. It was not until now that I realized how amazing the Swedish "Freedom to roam" is, and what it really means for people. Tragically, a country who does not have a chance to discover its own natural treasures will remain ignorant about the problems too. Anyway, the wildlife of Hungary is still amazing and I finally crossed the 200-mark on my Hungarian list. One of my target species was the Middle-spotted Woodpecker, which took me a very long time to find but I was rewarded by exclusive views of a beautiful male. Here are some photos from the trip:

European Ground Squirrel - Sisel – Közönséges ürge (Spermophilus citellus)

Great Egret – Ägretthäger - Nagy kócsag (Casmerodius albus)

Spoonbill - Skedstork – Kanalasgém (Platalea leucorodia)

Marsh Harrier - Brun kärrhök - Barna rétihéja (Circus aeruginosus)

Pygmy Cormorant - Dvärgskarv – Kis kárókatona (Phalacrocorax pygmeus)

Moustached Warbler - Kaveldunsångare – Fülemülesitke (Acrocephalus melanopogon)

Imperial Eagle - Kejsarörn – Parlagi sas (Aquila heliaca)

Black-tailed Godwit - Rödspov – Nagy goda (Limosa limosa)

European Pond Turtle - Kärrsköldpadda – Mocsári teknős (Emys orbicularis)

Firecrest – Brandkronad kungsfågel – Tüzesfejű királyka (Regulus ignicapillus)

Eurasian Nuthatch - Nötväcka - Csuszka (Sitta europaea)

Syrian Woodpecker – BalkanspettBalkáni fakopáncs (Dendrocopos syriacus)

Green Woodpecker – Gröngöling – Zöld küllő (Picus viridis)

Blackbird - Koltrast - Feketerigó (Turdus merula)

Green Woodpecker – Gröngöling – Zöld küllő (Picus viridis)

Green Woodpecker – Gröngöling – Zöld küllő (Picus viridis)

Blackbird - Koltrast - Feketerigó (Turdus merula)

Middle-spooted Woodpecker – Mellanspett – Közép fakopáncs (Dendrocopos medius)

Middle-spooted Woodpecker – Mellanspett – Közép fakopáncs (Dendrocopos medius)

Middle-spooted Woodpecker – Mellanspett – Közép fakopáncs (Dendrocopos medius)

Corn Bunting - Kornsparv - Sordély (Milaria calandra)

Great Bustard – Stortrapp – Túzok (Otis tarda)

Hoopoe – Härfågel – Búbos banka (Upupa epops)

Collared Flycatcher - Halsbandsflugsnappare – Örvös légykapó (Ficedula albicollis)

Black Stork– Svart stork – Fekete gólya (Ciconia nigra)