I spent an hour in Västerås harbour yesterday. That is when I saw that strange gull (it is in the blog post right under this one), that turned out to be eighter a Herring Gull or a Greater Black-backed Gull, probably the first one. I'd like to thank Karl Hammar, Ola Bäckman, Dirk van Gansberghe and Jan Jörgensen for helping me with the identification.
But there were some other gulls and, especially, geese in the harbour too. Around 200-300 Canada Geese, 50 Greylag Geese, four Barnacle Geese and at least six goose hybrids.
Herring Gull - Gråtrut - Ezüstsirály (Larus argentatus) |
Barnacle Goose – Vitkindad gås - Apácalúd (Branta leucopsis) |
Canada Goose – Kanadagås – Kanadai lúd (Branta canadensis) |
Canada Goose – Kanadagås – Kanadai lúd (Branta canadensis) |
Black-headed Gull - Skrattmås - Dankasirály (Larus ridibundus) |
Barnacle Goose – Vitkindad gås - Apácalúd (Branta leucopsis) |
Canada Goose – Kanadagås – Kanadai lúd (Branta canadensis) |
Black-headed Gull - Skrattmås - Dankasirály (Larus ridibundus) |
Of all the pictures this day I like this picture the most:
Black-headed Gull - Skrattmås - Dankasirály (Larus ridibundus) |
Crows are nice:
Hooded Crow - Kråka - Dolmányos varjú (Corvus corone) |
Canada Goose – Kanadagås – Kanadai lúd (Branta canadensis) |
After an hour, a large boat (ironicly named "Sea Eagle") got out from the harbour and scared all the geese away. Imagine 100 Canada Geese flying just a few meters from you. I had to think fast, but I found it to be the best decision to just concentrate on
one goose and see how it works out. It did great! So from now on, if a big flock of birds fly by, I will only try to take pictures of one of them and not try to get the whole group.
Canada Goose – Kanadagås – Kanadai lúd (Branta canadensis) |
Found this Black Redstart while searching for Collared Doves (didn't found any this time eighter). It jumped around between concrete slabs like it didn't even notice that October is around the corner....
Black Redstart – Svart rödstjärt – Házi rozsdafarkú (Phoenicurus ochruros) |
Magpie - Skata - Szarka (Pica pica) |
Here is a collection of hybrid geese. There is propably some Canada Goose blood in all of them, and eighter Greylag Goose or Barnacle Goose as the other part. Or something else, I don't really know...